- There is no classification
- Contact:牛晓月
- Phone:13526640212
- fax:0371-66123555
Company Name: |
Xingyang Chengyuan Food Machinery Factory |
Company type: |
个体经营 (制造商) |
area: |
Henan/Zhengzhou City |
Company Size: |
1-49人 |
Registered capital: |
5000000人民币 |
Registration year: |
2011 |
Data certification: |
security deposit: |
Already paid ¥0.00 元 |
Business model: |
制造商 |
Business Scope: |
Zhengzhou Chengyuan Food Machinery Factory [15981932982] specializes in the production of vacuum tumblers, dispersion swing conveyors, variable frequency chopping machines, two-speed stuffing machines, frozen meat grinders, frozen meat dicing machines, frozen meat slicing machines, Pig trotter cutting machine, vacuum packaging machine, mobile elevator, fixed elevator, stainless steel truck hopper, workbench, bone crusher, smoker, sandwich pot, noodle slicing machine, bean product forming machine, thousand sheet machine, freezing Stainless steel food machinery and equipment such as conveying tunnels and bone mud mills. |
Sales Products: |
真空滚揉机、分散摆头输送机,变频斩拌机、双速拌馅机、冻肉绞肉机、冻肉切块机、冻肉切片机、猪蹄分割机、真空包装机、移动提升机、固定提升机、不锈钢料车料斗、工作台、破骨机、烟熏炉、夹层锅、挂面截头机、豆制品成型机、千张机、冷冻输送隧道、骨泥磨 |
Procurement products: |
不锈钢 |
major business: |